Thomas Wallace

Lectures and Resources

Introduction to Grid

Please read the following guide to the basics of the CSS Grid Specification. There is a lot to learn so I’d spend all of class today becoming familiar with the material. The second link is a wonderful resource with Codepen examples of many of the new properties and features for you to experiment with. Click the Edit on Codepen  link in the top right of each example to  dissect and experiment with the code. Use the documentation from the first link to further your understanding. Use this time wisely.

Also make sure your resume is  populated and ready to go for Tuesday. Stay warm.


Complete the exercises at CSS Grid Garden and link a screenshot of the completed last lesson from your homepage.

Begin working on your mobile-first prototype. We will continue to work on it in class on Thursday but it should be close to completion by the end of the week.

Additional Reading

Check out for free game-driven exercises on Flexbox and Service Workers.