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Inclement Weather – No Class

Please continue working with media queries and make sure your course homepage is styled and has a few sample queries. Also make sure to read up on Mobile first design methodology in preparation for next weeks classroom session.  Make sure you have a resume handy! Enjoy the snow/ice day!

Inclement Weather Lab

Please spend your classtime today working on your first HTML Assignment. Please look over the following documents in preparation for class on Monday. Overview of CSS and its role in web development CSS syntax and basic structure Different ways to include CSS in HTML documents

Progressive Enhancement

Review Project Progress Exploring the functionality of jQuery What is a CDN? Why use a CDN? Google CDN, CDNJS jQuery Tabs Case Study

Introduction to Media Queries

Technical Specifications Explanation | Guide Codecast | Live View Viewport Metatag | Reference BreakPoint Reference by Device Demo Adding Media queries to our Fluid Grid

Quiz and HTML5 Assessment setup

Quiz Create a Repository using these instructions. Publishing your work to Github Be sure to submit your github pages URL.

Individual Web Project Lab

Project Q & A Review Topics and Ideas

Out of Classroom Learning Activity

Today I’d like you to continue to explore CSS Grid by reviewing the layout patterns and code samples at Please work through the test exercises on this page (It only worked in Firefox for me): If you haven’t completed CSS Grid Garden or need a refresher please work through the exercises – In […]

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast  Forms Sectioning using HTML5 Structural Elements Semantic and Structural Elements Obsolete and Redefined Elements What is Validation? Create a Repository using these instructions. Publishing your work to Github Be sure to submit your github pages URL.

Microsite Project

Finalizing your page template Duplicating pages for your site Individual Web Project Create your own micro site  and post the url to your GitHub me by March 4, 2025. Starter HTML (You do not have to use this, provided for reference) Arkansas State Parks Micro Site Project

CSS Grid

Class Exercise Debrief Introduction to CSS Grid Grid by Example Classroom Example ( Float Based ) In Class Coding Activity Clone (Make a copy) your HTML5 Semantics project from last week. Rename the copied directory css-grid-exercise-1 Add a link to your course homepage Using CSS Grid, Build a page layout using your own custom grid dimensions.