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Introduction to Grid Principles

Clearing Bugs Clearfix Demo Dealing with Clearing Bugs Grid-Based Design A Comprehensive Introduction to Grids in Web Design What is it? | Why Use it? | Resources Generate a Grid Fluid Grids Class Example (960 / 10 Col) Grid Tile (For Visual Reference) Column Dimension Reference (Pixel Reference) Codecast

Individual Web Project

Finalizing your page template Duplicating pages for your site Individual Web Project Create your own micro site  and post the url to your GitHub me by March 7, 2024. Starter HTML (You do not have to use this, provided for reference) Arkansas State Parks Micro Site Project

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Text Level Semantics Inserting Images Tables Forms

Image Optimization and Editing Lab

Raster vs. Vector Graphics 1 | 2 | 3 Tools Overview Adobe Creative Suite – Paid Subscription Adobe Illustrator – Vector Editor Adobe Photoshop – Raster Editor Corel Vector – (Formerly Gravit) – Introductory Tutorials Pixlr Suite –  Raster and Vector – Tutorials Photopea  – Raster Vectorpea – Vector

Chrome Inspector and Introduction to Grid Based Design

Chrome Inspector Demos Clearing Bugs Clearfix Demo Dealing with Clearing Bugs A Comprehensive Introduction to Grids in Web Design An Introduction to Grids in Web design

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Marking Up Lists Text Level Semantics Special Character Encoding: Details | Reference Block vs. Inline Elements Hyperlinks Inserting Images Tables Forms

Web ARIA, Chrome Tools and more

HTML5 Boilerplate ARIA Roles Usage Guidelines Your assignment for the day is to review to content from the Chrome Dev Tools Documentation. At a minimum, I’d like you to be familiar with the content covered in the following sections (Overview, Elements, Accessibility). Be prepared to demo a tip or trick you learned from the […]

Image Creation and Manipulation

Raster vs. Vector Graphics 1 | 2 | 3 Tools Overview Adobe Creative Suite – Paid Subscription Adobe Illustrator – Vector Editor Adobe Photoshop – Raster Editor Corel Vector – (Formerly Gravit) – Introductory Tutorials Pixlr Suite –  Raster and Vector – Tutorials In today’s session I would like you to make sure you are familiar with Image editing tools. Many of you […]

Introduction to HTML5

300 Million Dollar Button Codecast | Set up What is HTML5? Doctypes & DTD’s – Document Type Definition Declaring a Language Type Exploring the <head> Title Attribute Meta Tags Sample Content

Positioning Lab Group Work

Complete as many lab exercises as possible working with your team. Be prepared to explain a solution to your classmates on Tuesday.