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Introduction to CSS

Codecast | Source Color and Typography Understanding Color | Kuler Write down your Color Codes Styling Page Elements Page Body Google Fonts Background Header SVG Backgrounds Navigation Content Articles Aside Footer CSS Box Model – Description | Demonstration

Introduction to CSS

Codecast | Source Adding style to your page: Type, Class, and ID Selectors Creating and attaching a Stylesheet Color and Typography Understanding Color | Kuler Write down your Color Codes Styling Page Elements Page Body Google Fonts Background Header SVG Backgrounds Navigation Content Articles Aside Footer CSS Box Model – Description | Demonstration

Class Lab: Web Accessibility

Watch – Accessibility for the Modern Web by Derek Featherstone

Class Lab: Web Accessibility

Watch – Accessibility for the Modern Web by Derek Featherstone

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast What is HTML5? Doctypes & DTD’s – Document Type Definition Declaring a Language Type Exploring the <head> Title Attribute Meta Tags

Introduction to CSS

Codecast | Source Color and Typography Understanding Color | Kuler Write down your Color Codes Styling Page Elements Page Body Google Fonts Background Header SVG Backgrounds Navigation Content Articles Aside Footer CSS Box Model – Description | Demonstration

Introduction to CSS

What is Validation? Publishing your work to Github Naming Conventions, Meta Naming, Directory Structure Adding style to your page: Type, Class, and ID Selectors Creating and attaching a Stylesheet Codecast | Source Color and Typography Understanding Color | Kuler Write down your Color Codes

Browser Overview Structure, Content, Design, & Behavior Understanding how a web page works

Browser Overview Structure, Content, Design, & Behavior Create Github Account Introduction to Codepen Understanding how a web page works

Introduction to CSS

Adding style to your page: Type, Class, and ID Selectors Creating and attaching a Stylesheet Codecast | Source Color and Typography Understanding Color | Kuler Write down your Color Codes

File Management and Validation

Quiz What is Validation? Publishing your work to Github Naming Conventions, Meta Naming, Directory Structure Setting up your first project