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Bootstrap Lab

Using the visual prototype/wireframe you created for your final project, create a low-fidelity prototype of your homepage concept using Bootstrap. This should be built in your work environment and added to the workspace landing page you created earlier this semester.

Image Manipulation

Removing the Background from an Image Sample file  Tutorial Exporting Files

Introduction to Bootstrap

Introduction to Bootstrap Codecast Quick Start Grid Components

Getting to know Gravit

Today I’d like you to spend our class time reviewing the following material. Be prepared for an interactive lab session on Monday. Introductory Tutorials – Please watch each module and work along in the app to make sure you understand the ins and outs of the app. Workspace Overview More Tips and Tricks

CSS Preprocessors and Variables

CSS Preprocessors CSS Custom Properties | Demo | Can I Use SCSS Basics and Documentation Codecast Mixins Libraries Introduction to Web Frameworks Front-end CSS Frameworks Introduction to Bootstrap

Positioning Lab Debrief

Review Positioning Exercises (Codecast) Image Editing Tools Gravit Designer – Web App | Install: Windows | Mac | Chromebook Workspace Overview Introductory Tutorials

Team Meeting

Meet with your team to organize and structure team roles and responsibilities. Continue to work on questions for the initial client meeting. The project manager should send me an email that contains the following information: Team Name, Team member names and their role, and a primary point of contact for the team. I will relay […]

Final Project Discussion and Resume Wrapup

Project Concept Discussion Site Prototyping Tools

Positioning Lab

Positioning Overview CSS Positioning Lab Exercises

Site Prototyping and Final Project Overview

Resume Wrapup – Desktop Breakpoint Site Prototyping Tools Final Project Requirements