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CSS Grid Explained

Codecast Introduction to CSS Grid Grid by Example

Introduction to CSS

Codecast | Source Color and Typography Understanding Color | Kuler Write down your Color Codes Styling Page Elements Page Body Google Fonts Background Header SVG Backgrounds Navigation Content Articles Aside Footer CSS Box Model – Description | Demonstration

Introduction to Grid

Please read the following guide to the basics of the CSS Grid Specification. There is a lot to learn so I’d spend all of class today becoming familiar with the material. The second link is a wonderful resource with Codepen examples of many of the new properties and features for you to experiment with. Click […]

JavaScript Libraries and Manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM)

Exploring the functionality of jQuery What is a CDN? Why use a CDN? Google CDN, CDNJS jQuery Tabs Case Study

Mobile First Design and Introduction to Schema

Mobile-First Approach Codecast Microdata Overview Schema vs. JSON-LD ASSIGNMENT Using the source code in the following pen – Microdata Resume Starter, do the following. Create a new project directory in your workspace named resume. Using HTML5 Boilerplate as your starting point, add the html and css from codepen to the appropriate locations in your files. Make sure add […]

Introduction to CSS

Quiz Homework Q&A Codecast | Source Color and Typography Understanding Color | Kuler Write down your Color Codes Styling Page Elements Page Body Google Fonts Background Header SVG Backgrounds Navigation Content Articles Aside Footer CSS Box Model – Description | Demonstration

Project Feedback Session

Using the available time today meet with your partner and review and evaluate each others development work thus far and provide feedback using the techniques presented by Elizabeth.

Introduction to Media Queries

Technical Specifications Explanation | Guide Codecast | Live View Viewport Metatag | Reference BreakPoint Reference by Device Demo Adding Media queries to our Fluid Grid

File Management and Introduction to CSS

Publishing your work to Github Naming Conventions, Meta Naming, Directory Structure Setting up your first project Introduction to CSS Adding style to your page: Type, Class, and ID Selectors Creating and attaching a Stylesheet

Contact Forms

Hosted Solution Using Server-Side Technology PHP (Bluehost/cloud9)