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Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Forms Sectioning an HTML Document using DIVs Sectioning using HTML5 Structural Elements Semantic and Structural Elements Obsolete and Redefined Elements What is Validation? Create a Repository using these instructions. Be sure to submit your github pages URL.

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Forms Sectioning an HTML Document using DIVs Sectioning using HTML5 Structural Elements Semantic and Structural Elements Obsolete and Redefined Elements What is Validation?

Exploring Web Based Services

Web-Based Services Resources

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Forms Sectioning an HTML Document using DIVs Sectioning using HTML5 Structural Elements Semantic and Structural Elements Obsolete and Redefined Elements What is Validation?

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Marking Up Lists Text Level Semantics Special Character Encoding: Details | Reference Inserting Images Tables Forms

Web Based Services

WordPress Q & A Web-Based Services Resources

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Text Level Semantics Special Character Encoding: Details | Reference Block vs. Inline Elements Inserting Images Tables Forms

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Marking Up Lists Text Level Semantics Special Character Encoding: Details | Reference Block vs. Inline Elements Hyperlinks Inserting Images Tables Forms

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Marking Up Lists Text Level Semantics Special Character Encoding: Details | Reference Block vs. Inline Elements Hyperlinks Inserting Images Tables Forms

WordPress Discovery

Blog Settings Applying a Theme Customizing the Sidebar Template Parts RSS Feeds Shortcodes   Individual Q&A