Category Archives: IT Onyx

Introduction to CSS

Codecast | Source | Header Image URL Adding style to your page: Type, Class, and ID Selectors Creating and attaching a Stylesheet Color and Typography Write down your Color Codes Styling Page Elements Page Body Google Fonts Background Header SVG Backgrounds Navigation Content Articles Aside Footer CSS Box Model – Description | Demonstration

Introduction to CSS

Codecast | Source | Header Image URL Adding style to your page: Type, Class, and ID Selectors Creating and attaching a Stylesheet Color and Typography Write down your Color Codes Styling Page Elements Page Body Google Fonts Background Header SVG Backgrounds Navigation Content Articles Aside Footer CSS Box Model – Description | Demonstration

Introduction to CSS

Codecast | Source | Header Image URL Adding style to your page: Type, Class, and ID Selectors Creating and attaching a Stylesheet Color and Typography

Naming Conventions and Validation

Naming Conventions, Meta Naming, Directory Structure Validating HTML Setting up your first project

Setting up our Work Environment

Create a Github Account and verify your email address. Create a Repository using these instructions. Login to with your Github credentials. Be sure to submit your github pages URL. Publishing your Work to GitHub Publishing your work to Github Naming Conventions, Meta Naming, Directory Structure Setting up your first project

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Sectioning an HTML Document using DIVs Sectioning using HTML5 Structural Elements Semantic and Structural Elements Obsolete and Redefined Elements What is Validation?

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Text Level Semantics Special Character Encoding: Details | Reference Inserting Images Forms

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Marking Up Lists Text Level Semantics Special Character Encoding: Details | Reference Block vs. Inline Elements Hyperlinks Inserting Images Tables Forms

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast What is HTML5? Doctypes & DTD’s – Document Type Definition Declaring a Language Type Exploring the <head> Title Attribute Meta Tags

Browser Overview Structure, Content, Design, & Behavior Understanding how a web page works

Browser Overview Structure, Content, Design, & Behavior Understanding how a web page works