Category Archives: IT Pearl

Introduction to CSS

Codecast | Source | Header Image URL Styling Page Elements Page Body Google Fonts Background Header SVG Backgrounds Navigation Content Articles Aside Footer CSS Box Model – Description | Demonstration

Introduction to CSS

Codecast | Source | Header Image URL Adding style to your page: Type, Class, and ID Selectors Creating and attaching a Stylesheet Color and Typography

Introduction to CSS

Adding style to your page: Type, Class, and ID Selectors Creating and attaching a Stylesheet Color and Typography CSS Box Model – Description | Demonstration

HTML5 Collaborative Coding Wrap

In today’s session, I’d like you to reconvene with your coding partner from last week and finish up and publish your work. It should be accessible via the github url you submitted last week. Remember each of you should submit your own work.  Once you have completed the exercise, take  some time to reflect on […]

Prototype HTML Assignment

Create and Validate a prototype HTML document that includes examples of all HTML elements covered thus far. For a list of requirements view this page. Use today’s session to work on and complete this assignment. You are welcome to partner with a classmate to work on this but each of you must submit code that you have […]

Setting up our Work Environment

Publishing your Work to GitHub Publishing your work to Github Naming Conventions, Meta Naming, Directory Structure Setting up your first project  

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Sectioning an HTML Document using DIVs Sectioning using HTML5 Structural Elements Semantic and Structural Elements Obsolete and Redefined Elements What is Validation?

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Tables Forms

Introduction to HTML5

Codecast Special Character Encoding: Details | Reference Block vs. Inline Elements Hyperlinks Inserting Images Tables Forms

Introduction to HTML

Codecast Understanding HTML Headings Marking Up Lists Text Level Semantics Special Character Encoding: Details | Reference Block vs. Inline Elements Hyperlinks Inserting Images Tables Forms