Category Archives: IT Sapphire

Site Feedback

Solicit feedback from a classmate regarding the design and implementation of your Dragon/Segway Project. I’d like you to spend the next week incorporating the suggestions from this critique into your project. When critiquing others keep in mind that we are all at different places skill-wise. Be constructive in your criticism and remember to also include […]

Semester Wrap Up

Course Evaluations Peer Evaluations (Fill out once per team member, Do not evaluate yourself). Failure to evaluate your peers will negatively impact your grade. Due 12/7. Web Assessment. Due 12/7 at Noon. Package all project materials in a Team Drive that is shared with all faculty (ERD, Database export, All website files, documentation, etc.) Due 12/7. Register for […]

Web Assessment

Please complete the following web assessment prior to Friday, December 7 at Noon. I encourage you to work on this over break next week so I can field questions in class the following week. This will count as your final for web for the semester. Web Assessment

Jquery Plugins and Lab

jQuery Plugins Cycle Demo jQuery Cycle Lab

Progressive Enhancement

jQuery Tabs Case Study jQuery Plugins Cycle Demo

Introduction to JavaScript Libraries

Exploring the functionality of jQuery What is a CDN? Why use a CDN? Google CDN, CDNJS jQuery Tabs Case Study jQuery Plugins Cycle Demo

Site Planning and Interviewing Clients

Site Planning and Interviewing Clients Sitemap Tools Gliffy Slickplan Prototyping Tools Mockflow (free) Moqups Codiqua Framebox Figma

Web Forms

Hosted Web Form

Project Lab


Introduction to Bootstrap

Codecast Setting up our file system on Cloud9 Quickstart HTML Responsive NavBar Containers Jumbotron Grid system Sticky Footer