Thomas Wallace

Lectures and Resources

IT Diamond

Spring 2018 | ITEC 3650

Final Deliverables

  • Each team should make sure that the project workspace is shared with Daniel and Thomas
  • Each team should have a presentation outline for the presentation tomorrow and provide a copy to the faculty at the presentation
  • Meeting notes. Since many teams did not meet more than a few times with their clients the opportunity for each team member to take notes was not there. Despite being listed as a deliverable, there is no need to submit anything regarding this requirement.
  • Peer Evaluation Form, submitted for each team member. Do not evaluate yourself.
  • Project reflection blog post.

Course Evaluations

Team Project Overview

  • Meet with team to organize and structure team roles and responsibilities.
  • Work on questions for the initial client email
  • Project Manager should send me and email that contains the following information: Team Name, Team member names and their role, and a primary point of contact for the team. Iw ill relay this information to your client.
  • Due to time constraints you will have 15 minutes with your client for the initial meeting. Make sure you are well organized. Meetings will be held on Thursday during class time. You will be assigned a time slot once we have received the requested information.

Form Validation using jQuery


Continue working on your individual project. By Thursday you should have your form ready for review and troubleshooting. The form will need to be integrated into your site concept that you create. Feel free to build the form and get it working first and then integrate into your design when ready. Next week you will work with Daniel to add the backend processing to include the form element data into your database. I strongly recommend that the bulk of your site design and functionality be in place prior to those sessions. This will allow you to focus on learning back-end concepts.

jQuery Lab


Upload your working cycle implementation to Cloud9 and send me the url. Make sure to do some customization so you get the opportunity to play with editing the calls to jQuery. Please send me the working URL before class on Tuesday.

Introduction to jQuery

Final Project Discussion


Begin working on planning your final project. Complete the site planning questions worksheet from this module and submit to me by next Thursday.

Read the following Article on Progressive Enhancement. Write a blog post explaining progressive enhancement in your own words. Please discuss why it is important to use progressive enhancement and include a link to another article you found and read relating to the topic. Due before class Tuesday.

Introduction to JavaScript

  • Project Show and Tell
  • Individual project discussion

HTML5 Boilerplate

Introduction to JavaScript


Complete Getting Started with programming at Codecademy. Send me a a screenshot of the completion page. I recommend creating an account so you can save your progress and completion other modules in the future.

For those of you interested in taking a deeper dive check out this free book on the topic –

Site Planning and Interviewing Clients


Watch the HTML5 Boilerplate Video | Download the Files (If you haven’t done so already) Review the HTML and CSS Documentation while looking through the boilerplate files. Be prepared to discuss on next week.

Due Thursday (2/15) – Create a blog post on the Dragon/Segway project. Include the site URL, Feedback you received,  How you improved/fixed your site based-on what your reviewers recommended. There should also be a working version of a contact form implemented. If the contact form doesn’t work into your site design feel free to place it on a standalone page.

Web Forms


  1. Implement a contact form solution on your Dragon Project. If necessary create a contact page. Try to integrate the form with your site design as much as possible.
  2. Due Thursday (2/15) – Create a blog post on the Dragon project. Include the site URL, Feedback you received,  How you improved/fixed your site based-on what your reviewers recommended. There should also be a working version of a contact form implemented.

Site Feedback

Solicit feedback from a classmate regarding the design and implementation of your Dragon/Segway Project. I’d like you to spend the next week incorporating the suggestions from this critique into your project. When critiquing others keep in mind that we are all at different places skill-wise. Be constructive in your criticism and remember to also include what you like as well.



Due next Tuesday 2/13 – Email me the final implementation of your Dragon/Segway project. In a blog post, I’d like to hear about your experience working on this project. What did you do well? What would you do differently? I’d also like you to reflect on the feedback session with your classmates. What did you improve based-on what your reviewers recommended? There should also be a working version of a contact form implemented (Will cover on Thursday).

Bringing it All Together

Individual Web Project

Choose one of the two micro-site projects and submit url to me by February 5, 2018.

Starter HTML

SpaceX Dragon

Segway Centaur


Begin work on the Micro-site project of your choice. We will work on these projects in a lab environment next week. Please be prepared to ask questions.

Please read the following article on image optimization and write a short blog post discussing three takeaways from the article.

Image Creation and Optimization


Create a banner image to insert into the header of your prototype document. Using the technique covered in class, insert the image you created and optimized, into the document. Please email me a copy of the optimized header image you created. Bring questions to class on Thursday.

IT Diamond Semester Preview

  • Review Syllabus
  • Verify VM Access
  • Verify Cloud9 Access – Make sure you have your HTML/CSS work from last semester available for Tuesday’s Session
  • Review Gravit


Get organized for the upcoming semester. Be prepared to jump back into CSS and design on Tuesday.