Contact Forms
- Hosted Solution (Wufoo)
- Using and endpoint service
- Using Server-Side Technology
Be sure to publish your work to GitHub and add a link to the demo we built to your course homepage.
Working in pairs or triads, please review each of your templates and provide feedback using the strategies present in the course.
Create your own micro site and post the url to your GitHub me by March 4, 2025.
In groups of two or three. Complete the HTML Cheatsheet activity. Once you have a functioning version, id like you to customize the page using typography and color to make it your own. This should be linked off of your course homepage,
Using the following code snippets build the HTML Cheatsheet. Upon completion. Examine and tweak the CSS to your liking. Make it your own.
<script src=""></script>
In today’s session, I’d like you to reconvene with your coding partner from last week and finish up and publish your work. It should be accessible via the github url you submitted last week. Remember each of you should submit your own work. Once you have completed the exercise, take some time to reflect on the process? Did you work well with your partner? If so what strategies did you use to collaborate? Did you pick a good work flow? What would you do differently if you had to start over? We’ll discuss we we return to the classroom. Have a good weekend.
Reading Assignment: CSS Basics
Reminder – Make sure your blog posts on your favorite web based service and Power searching with google have been posted to your blog.
Today we will build a collaborative list of frequently used terms and Definitions from across the web. As you edit the collaborative list please be sure to adhere to example information structure provided. It might be helpful for you to work on your definitions and then migrate them into the document once complete
Write a blog post about 5 new tips/tricks you learned from the Power Searching with Google course. Please explain each technique and a situation where you might use it to find valuable information. – Due no later than 10/1/24.
Review your favorite web-based service in a blog post explaining it’s functionality, the pro’s and con’s of using the particular service, and discuss the service’s potential for impacting the way you work. Post is due next Tuesday. Please be prepared to discuss in class.
Complete by 10/1/24. You should complete the Power Searching with Google course as homework.
You will be expected to write a blog post outlining new techniques you learned during the course. I will provide specifics on this assignment next week.
Make sure you have done the following by Thursday. We’ll be moving on to new topics so you should have all blog-related issues and assignments squared away.
Make sure you have done the following by next Thursday. We’ll be moving on to new topics so you should have all blog-related issues and assignments squared away.
Make sure you have done the following by next Tuesday. We’ll be moving on to new topics so you should have all blog-related issues and assignments squared away.
We will be using a broad array of tools to support this course this semester. If you would like to familiarize yourself with these feel free to do so. I will explain and do walkthroughs with the tools when we begin to use them. You are welcome to go ahead and create your accounts (they are all free) but make sure to keep track of your credentials.