Thomas Wallace

Lectures and Resources

IT Pearl

Spring 2025 | ITEC 3650

Content Carousel Lab

Class Exercise

Be sure to publish your work to GitHub and add a link to the demo we built to your course homepage.

Example with Content


Please add a working url of today’s lab to your course homepage on Github by next Tuesday.

Peer Feedback Session

Working in pairs or triads, please review each of your templates and provide feedback using the strategies present in the course.


Due Tuesday (3/20) – Create a blog post on your web project. Include the site URL,  a screenshot of the design, and discuss the feedback you received,  Reflect on the development experience. What did you do well? Where can you improve? How you address the issues identified by your reviewer?  There should also be a working version of a contact form implemented.

At this point, there should be the following work either on your blog or posted to GitHub:

  • Styled HTML Cheatsheet Exercise – Linked From Homepage (Assigned 1/23)
  • Links to the 4 required Positioning Lab Demos plus and you did for extra credit.
  • Logo Tutorial (Star Logo or Alternative) – Linked From Homepage (Assigned 2/4)
  • Image Optimization Blog Post that Includes the Logo – Linked From Homepage – (Assigned 2/6)
  • Individual Web Project that includes feedback you received and Contact Form – Due 3/18 – Linked From Homepage
  • Progressive Enhancement Blog Post – Due 3/3
  • Project Reflection Blog Post – Due 3/20

Progressive Enhancement


Read the following articles on Progressive Enhancement 1 | 2. On your course homepage, create a section below the navigation element that contains the heading “Thoughts on Progressive Enhancement”. Please describe progressive enhancement in your own words and discuss why progressive enhancement is important in modern web development and include a link to another article you found and read relating to the topic. Due 3.3.2025.

Image Optimization and Editing Lab


Please read the following articles on image optimization: 1 |  2 and write a short blog post discussing three takeaways from the articles. Embed the the logo you were assigned earlier this week.

You should also review your workspace to make sure everything is organized and named correctly. On Tuesday we will start a new project so it is important that you are organized and ready to go.

Image Creation and Manipulation

Positioning Lab Group Work

  • Complete as many lab exercises as possible working with your team. Be prepared to explain a solution to your classmates on Tuesday.

HTML Cheatsheet Activity

In groups of two or three. Complete the HTML Cheatsheet activity. Once you have a functioning version, id like you to customize the page using typography and color to make it your own. This should be linked off of your course homepage,

Using the following code snippets build the HTML Cheatsheet. Upon completion. Examine and tweak the CSS to your liking. Make it your own.

  1. Structure/Content
  2. Design
  3. Behavior
    • Include the following script in the head of your document:
      <script src=""></script>
  4. Additional Information on Prism.js

Welcome back!


  • Review the last semester’s content relating to HTML5 and CSS.
  • Verify you still have access to Github and make sure your files are organized and ready for class on Thursday.

Introduction to CSS


Make sure all assignments are posted to your github page.

You should have the following:

  • A styled course homepage at a minimum there should be an attached stylesheet and some visual design (Colors/Fonts)
  • Prototype HTML Assignment – Collaborative Coding exercise
  • CSS Demo – Done in class

HTML5 Collaborative Coding Wrap

In today’s session, I’d like you to reconvene with your coding partner from last week and finish up and publish your work. It should be accessible via the github url you submitted last week. Remember each of you should submit your own work.  Once you have completed the exercise, take  some time to reflect on the process? Did you work well with your partner? If so what strategies did you use to collaborate? Did you pick a good work flow? What would you do differently if you had to start over? We’ll discuss we we return to the classroom. Have a good weekend.

Prototype HTML Assignment

  • Create and Validate a prototype HTML document that includes examples of all HTML elements covered thus far. For a list of requirements view this page.
  • Use today’s session to work on and complete this assignment. You are welcome to partner with a classmate to work on this but each of you must submit code that you have written. No Copy/Paste!
  • Create a link to this assignment from your course homepage. Name it “Prototype HTML5 Assignment”
  • When complete publish it to your Github account with the Commit Note “Prototype HTML5 Assignment Submission”.
  • Due 10/24/2024

Web Related Terminology

Today we will build a collaborative list of frequently used terms and Definitions from across the web. As you edit the collaborative list please be sure to adhere to example information structure provided. It might be helpful for you to work on your definitions and then migrate them into the document once complete

  • Collaborative List – Google Docs Collaboration Exercise (25 Minutes)
  • Present Terms to class


Write a blog post about 5 new tips/tricks you learned from the Power Searching with Google course. Please explain each technique and a situation where you might use it to find valuable information. – Due no later than 10/1/24.

Exploring Web Based Services

Web-Based Services


Review your favorite web-based service in a blog post explaining it’s functionality, the pro’s and con’s of using the particular service, and discuss the service’s potential for impacting the way you work. Post is due next Tuesday. Please be prepared to discuss in class.

Web Based Services

  • WordPress Q & A

Web-Based Services


Complete by 10/1/24. You should complete the Power Searching with Google course as homework.

  1. Create EdX Account – It’s Free
  2. Register for the Power Searching with Google Course. You don’t have to upgrade to get the free certificate, just work through the course. – Do this step today! I am not sure how long you will be able to register.

You will be expected to write a blog post outlining new techniques you learned during the course. I will provide specifics on this assignment next week.

WordPress Discovery


  • Individual Q&A


Make sure you have done the following by Thursday. We’ll be moving on to new topics so you should have all blog-related issues and assignments squared away.

  • Make sure I have your blog URL
  • Customize your blog
    • Apply a new theme
    • Customize the sidebar or another template part/region
        • Using Custom Template parts – Display an rss feed from a site that you frequent.
    • Try using a shortcode in a post or a page.
  • Completed About Page
  • Created a Custom Menu that points to your writing assignments.

Introduction to WordPress


Make sure you have done the following by next Thursday. We’ll be moving on to new topics so you should have all blog-related issues and assignments squared away.

  • Make sure I have your blog URL
  • Customize your blog
    • Apply a new theme
    • Customize the sidebar or another template part/region
        • Using Custom Template parts – Display an rss feed from a site that you frequent.
    • Try using a shortcode in a post or a page.
  • Completed About Page
  • Created a Custom Menu that points to your writing assignments.

Introduction to WordPress


Make sure you have done the following by next Tuesday. We’ll be moving on to new topics so you should have all blog-related issues and assignments squared away.

  • Make sure I have your blog URL (Email to me Directly)
  • Customize your blog
    • Apply a new theme
    • Customize the sidebar or wigitized areas
      • Add a few widgets.
      • Display an rss feed from a site that you frequent.
    • Try using a shortcode in a post or a page.
  • Completed About Page
  • Created a Custom Menu that points to your writing assignments.

Welcome to IT Pearl

We will be using a broad array of tools to support this course this semester. If you would like to familiarize yourself with these feel free to do so. I will explain and do walkthroughs with the tools when we begin to use them.  You are welcome to go ahead and create your accounts (they are all free) but make sure to keep track of your credentials.

  • – Codecasting Service for Lectures and Reference
  • GitHub (Student Pack) – Code Versioning Repository for submitting assignments
  • – Cloud-based Vector Imaging editor
  • Pixlr – Cloud Based Image Editing Tools
  • Icebreaker Activity