Mobile Web Development
Spring 2025 | IFSC 3342
Site Prototyping and Final Project Overview
- Resume Wrapup – Desktop Breakpoint
- Site Prototyping Tools
- Final Project Requirements
Tablet View – Resume
- Creating media queries for your first breakpoint
- Introduction to Flexbox
Resume (Mobile View) Lab
Complete the styling of your mobile-first resume and post a link on your Github index page. Be prepared to begin working on your tablet view next week. We will do a bit of show and tell in class on Tuesday to see what you came up with. Good Luck
Mobile First Resume
Begin working on your mobile-first prototype. We will continue to work on it in class on Thursday but it should be close to completion by the end of the week.
Inclement Weather – No Class
Please continue working with media queries and make sure your course homepage is styled and has a few sample queries. Also make sure to read up on Mobile first design methodology in preparation for next weeks classroom session. Make sure you have a resume handy! Enjoy the snow/ice day!
Out of Classroom Learning Activity
Today I’d like you to continue to explore CSS Grid by reviewing the layout patterns and code samples at
Please work through the test exercises on this page (It only worked in Firefox for me):
If you haven’t completed CSS Grid Garden or need a refresher please work through the exercises –
In preparation for next week’s discussion of Media Queries please read the following article:
CSS Grid
In Class Coding Activity
- Clone (Make a copy) your HTML5 Semantics project from last week.
- Rename the copied directory css-grid-exercise-1
- Add a link to your course homepage
- Using CSS Grid, Build a page layout using your own custom grid dimensions.
Web ARIA, Chrome Tools and more
Your assignment for the day is to review to content from the Chrome Dev Tools Documentation. At a minimum, I’d like you to be familiar with the content covered in the following sections (Overview, Elements, Accessibility). Be prepared to demo a tip or trick you learned from the exercise in class on Tuesday. We will be leveraging these skills throughout the semester so it is imperative that you learn how to use this tool. Feel free to complete the remainder of the sections depending on your level of experience with the tool. The second link also contains some valuable information. Feel free to review it as well.
Pre Assessment Lab
Today I will work through the pre-assessment in an in-class demo. Please use this opportunity to ask questions and receive clarification on specific concepts and ideas.
Publishing Your Work
- Create a Github Account and verify your email address.
- Create a Repository using these instructions.
- Be sure to submit your github pages URL.
- Publishing your work to Github
Course Overview
Review Course Expectations
Introduction to the Virtual Classroom
We will be using a broad array of tools to support this course this semester. If you would like to familiarize yourself with these feel free to do so. I will explain and do walkthroughs with the tools when we begin to use them. You are welcome to go ahead and create your accounts (they are all free) but make sure to keep track of your credentials.
- – Codecasting Service for Lectures and Reference
- Codespaces – Cloud-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- GitHub (Student Pack) – Code Versioning Repository for submitting assignments
- CorelVector – Cloud-based Vector Imaging editor
- Pixlr – Cloud-based Vector Imaging editor
- Figma – Cloud-based Interface design tool