Thomas Wallace

Lectures and Resources

Web Technologies

Fall 2024 | IFSC 1310 - 02

Validation, Naming Conventions, and File Management

Publishing your Work to GitHub

HTML5 Assessment

  • Create and Validate a prototype HTML document that includes examples of all HTML elements covered thus far. For a list of requirements view this page.
  • Use today’s session to work on and complete this assignment. You are welcome to partner with a classmate to work on this but each of you must submit code that you have written. No Copy/Paste!
  • Create a link to this assignment from your course homepage. Name it “Prototype HTML5 Assignment”
  • When complete publish it to your Github account with the Commit Note “Prototype HTML5 Assignment Submission”.
  • Due 9/24/2024

Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior


Evaluate a web site you frequent based on our discussion of Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior. This is a written assignment that should submitted via this form no later than 9-2-24. Make sure you discuss the following elements: Site URL, An assessment of the Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior of the site, Things you like about the site, Things you would change. There is no length requirement for this assignment, but please give an organized and thorough response. Please upload the file as a pdf or docx or alternatively you can share the URL of the file. The submitted writing for this assignment should be the author’s own work. AI generated submissions will be flagged and receive No Credit.

Course Introduction

Course Syllabus

Introduction to the Virtual Classroom

We will be using a broad array of tools to support this course this semester. If you would like to familiarize yourself with these feel free to do so. I will explain and do walkthroughs with the tools when we begin to use them.  You are welcome to go ahead and create your accounts (they are all free) but make sure to keep track of your credentials.

  • – Codecasting Service for Lectures and Reference
  • GitHub (Student Pack) – Code Versioning Repository for submitting assignments
  • – Cloud-based Vector Imaging editor
  • Pixlr – Cloud Based Image Editing Tools
