Thomas Wallace

Lectures and Resources

IT Emerald

Fall 2018 | ITEC 3610

Team Project Overview

  • Meet with your team to organize and structure team roles and responsibilities.
  • Work on questions for the initial client meeting.
  • The project manager should send me an email that contains the following information: Team Name, Team member names and their role, and a primary point of contact for the team. I will relay this information to your client.
  • Due to time constraints, you will have 15 minutes with your client for the initial meeting. Make sure you are well organized. Meetings will be held on Thursday during class time. You will be assigned a time slot once we have received the requested information.

Site Feedback

Solicit feedback from a classmate regarding the design and implementation of your Dragon/Segway Project. I’d like you to spend the next week incorporating the suggestions from this critique into your project. When critiquing others keep in mind that we are all at different places skill-wise. Be constructive in your criticism and remember to also include what you like as well.


Due next Tuesday 3/5 – Email me the final implementation of your Dragon/Segway project. In a blog post, I’d like to hear about your experience working on this project. What did you do well? What would you do differently? I’d also like you to reflect on the feedback session with your classmates. What did you improve based-on what your reviewers recommended? There should also be a working version of a contact form implemented (Will cover on Thursday).

Web Forms


  1. Implement a contact form solution on your Dragon Project. If necessary create a contact page. Try to integrate the form with your site design as much as possible.
  2. Due Tuesday (2/26) – Before class send me the url of your project draft.
  3. Due Tuesday (3/5) – Create a blog post on the Dragon project. Include the site URL, Feedback you received,  How you improved/fixed your site based on what your reviewers recommended. There should also be a working version of a contact form implemented.

Individual Project Q & A

Continue working on the Individual Web Project. You should use your class time to ask questions and troubleshoot issues with your classmates.


Email the URL of your project first draft before class on Thursday. On Thursday we will work in groups to get feedback on what you have so far.

Image Creation and Optimization


Create a banner image to insert into the header of your prototype document. Using the technique covered in class, insert the image you created and optimized, into your sample css document we have been working on in class. We’ll begin our first full site project on Tuesday.

Image Editing and Manipulation


Please read the following article on image optimization and write a short blog post discussing three takeaways from the article. On Thursday I’ll ask you to post the images we created in class today and Thursday and the logo you were assigned last week. These should all be embedded in the post.

Positioning Lab Review and Image Editing Tools


Submit the for working urls for the positioning exercises. Due 1/29 at Midnight.

Complete the following tutorial and submit the icon you create in the tutorial.

Create an Icon in Gravit

You should email this icon to me before class the Thursday, February 7, 2019. I do not expect you to perfectly replicate the icon in the tutorial but I would like to see a solid effort from each of you. This is a challenging assignment so I encourage you to not wait until the night before it is due. Good Luck!

Welcome Back!


  • Review the last semesters content relating to HTML5 and CSS.
  • Verify you still have access to Cloud9 and make sure your files are organized and ready for class on Thursday.
  • We will complete a lab Thursday, so make sure you have reviewed the positioning readings.

Additional Reading


Introduction to CSS


Once we have completed working through the CSS development exercise, please send me a functioning url to preview. The should not be  identical to what we coded in class. Please include your own touches that demonstrate your understanding.Due Tuesday after Thanksgiving break.

Introduction to CSS


Alternate Classwork

Several of you have had prior experience with CSS or have taken IFSC 1310 with me. If so, I’d like you to use these next few sessions working on the following assignment. Select a website that you frequent or that you feel looks nice and build a single page template writing your own HTML and CSS. You do not have to build the entire site. Just a single page. Your goal will be to create exact replica of that page’s layout. Don’t worry about specialized functionality, just the overall layout, spacing and typography. Feel free to use an image placeholder service if you don’t want to create custom imagery. The url will be submitted in lieu of the CSS Demo project we will be completing in class.

Introduction to HTML5


  • Create and Validate a prototype HTML document that includes examples of all HTML elements covered thus far. For a list of requirements view this page.
  • Publish to Cloud9 and and send me the url (Don’t forget to remove everything following the index.html in the url.
    should be
    Send to 10.23.18.
  • Reading Assignment: CSS Basics
  • HTML / CSS Resource

Introduction to HTML5


Evaluate your favorite web site based on our discussion of Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior. This is a written assignment that should be posted to your blog.  Make sure you discuss the following elements: Site URL, An assessment of the Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior of the site, Things you like about the site, Things you would change. Due no later than 10/2/18

Write a blog post about 5 new tips/tricks you learned from the Power Searching with Google course. Please explain each technique and a situation where you might use it to find valuable information. – Due no later than 10/2/18.


Exploring Web Based Services


Review your favorite web-based service in a blog post explaining it’s functionality, the pro’s and con’s of using the particular service, and discuss the service’s potential for impacting the way you work. Post is due Thursday. Please be prepared to discuss in class.

Exploring Web Based Services


Review your favorite web-based service in a blog post explaining it’s functionality, the pro’s and con’s of using the particular service, and discuss the service’s potential for impacting the way you work. Post is due next Thursday. Please be prepared to discuss in class.

Out of Class Work – Due September 20, 2018

By the end of next week you should complete the Power Searching with Google course as homework. Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6. If you completed this course previously please complete the Advanced course to fulfill this assignments requirements.

WordPress Explained


Make sure you have done by Thursday. We’ll be moving on to new topics so you should have all blog related issues and assignments squared away.

  • Make sure I have your Blog URL
  • Customize your blog
    • Apply a new theme
    • Customize the sidebar or wigitized areas
      • Add a few widgets.
      • Display an rss feed from a site that you frequent.
    • Try using a shortcode in a post or a page.
  • Completed About Page
  • Created a Custom Menu

WordPress Explained


Make sure you have done the following by Tuesday of next week. We’ll be moving on to new topics so you should have all blog related issues and assignments squared away.

  • Make sure I have your Blog URL
  • Customize your blog
    • Apply a new theme
    • Customize the sidebar or wigitized areas
      • Add a few widgets.
      • Display an rss feed from a site that you frequent.
    • Try using a shortcode in a post or a page.
  • Completed About Page
  • Created a Custom Menu

Chromebook Orientation


Homework (Due 8.28.18): Visit and create a new blog. This will be where you reflect and write over the course of the next semester. Send me the address of your blog via email ( We will review all of the settings on Monday. (Note:  your address will be something like so…

Welcome to IT Emerald!