Thomas Wallace

Lectures and Resources

Setting up our Work environment

  1. Create a Github Account and verify your email address.
  2. Create a Repository using these instructions.
  3. Login to with your Github credentials.
  4. Add the gitpod browser extension to your browser.
  5. Be sure to submit your github pages URL.

Publishing your Work to GitHub


  • Create and Validate a prototype HTML document that includes examples of all HTML elements covered thus far. For a list of requirements view this page.
  • Create a link to this assignment from your course homepage. Name it “Prototype HTML5 Assignment”
  • When complete publish it to your Github account with the Commit Note “Prototype HTML5 Assignment Submission”.
  • Make sure you have submitted your Github Pages URL here:
  • We will have a Q&A on the assignment on Tuesday and the Quiz.
  • Due 2/21/2022
  • Reading Assignment: CSS Basics