Thomas Wallace

Lectures and Resources

Web Technologies

Fall 2021 | IFSC 1310 - 02

jQuery Lab and Semester Wrap-Up


Please add a working url of today’s lab to your course homepage on Github by next Tuesday.

All course work should be posted by Tuesday, December 14, 10am – This is a firm deadline. No work after this time will be accepted. I have enjoyed working with you this semester.

Exploring the functionality of jQuery



To successfully complete this semester the following assignments should be posted to your course homepage

  • Prototype HTML Assignment
  • CSS Demo
  • Positioning Exercises
    • Float 1
    • Float 2
    • Absolute 1
    • Absolute 2
  • Flexbox Froggy
  • Gravit Logo
  • Bear on Moon
  • SpaceX Dragon
  • Cycle Lab (Image Slideshow)
  • SpaceX Dragon Revised
  • Progressive Enhancement Writing Assignment (Written on Course homepage)
  • Dragon Project Revision and Reflection (Written on Course homepage)


For this assignment, I ask that you collect feedback from a peer, family member, or a friend on your first attempt at the Dragon or Segway project. Using that feedback, I’d like you to attempt to address any issues or problems pointed out by your potential users. You should provide a link to the revised project (duplicate the directory in aws and then add a link to the revised project). You should also provide several paragraphs reflecting on the learning experience working on this project and your experience during the semester. What were the things you did well? What would you do differently if you had to start over? Also report on the feedback you received and what you did to address those issues or why you chose not to make the recommended changes. This should be posted on your homepage under the progressive enhancement writing assignment.



Tuesday, December 14, 10am – This is a firm deadline. No work after this time will be accepted.

JavaScript and the Document Object Model


Make sure to push your Dragon/Segway project to Github and provide a link from the course homepage.

Read the following Article on Progressive Enhancement. On your course homepage, create a section below the navigation element that contains the heading “Thoughts on Progressive Enhancement”. Please describe progressive enhancement in your own words and discuss why progressive enhancement is important in modern web development and include a link to another article you found and read relating to the topic. Due before class Tuesday following Thanksgiving Break.

Web Forms and Interviewing Clients

Bringing it all Together

Image Manipulation and Optimization


Export a copy of the image you create in class today and provide a link to it from your course homepage. You’ll need to upload it to AWS and link to the file. You should also provide a link to the Icon you create in the tutorial.

Positioning Lab Debrief


Complete the following tutorial and submit the icon you create in the tutorial.

Create an Icon in Gravit

You should post the icon and link from your Github homepage before class on Monday  (11/11/21). I do not expect you to perfectly replicate the icon in the tutorial but I would like to see a solid effort from each of you. This is a challenging assignment so I encourage you to not wait until the night before it is due. Good Luck!

Introduction to CSS


By the end of the week you should make sure you have completed your work on the css demo exercise and have it posted to your github homepage. It should be styled using your own colors and typography. I should not be identical to the work I complete in class.



Your assignment for today’s session has two components:

  • Complete the exercises at Flexbox Froggy. Link a screenshot of the completion page for exercise 24 on your Github homepage. You’ll need to take a screenshot, upload to AWS and then add a link to file on your homepage.
  • Create and attach a stylesheet to your course homepage. Style this page using the techniques learned thus far. You are welcome to add additional content if you’d  like but be sure that I can easily find the links to your assignments. There should be 3 links on your course home page at this time:
    • Prototype HTML (Gordo)
    • CSS-Demo
    • Flexbox Froggy

Introduction to CSS


Complete the exercises at Flexbox Froggy. Link a screenshot of the completion page for exercise 24 on your Github homepage. You’ll need to take a screenshot, upload to AWS and then add a link to file on your homepage.

Introduction to CSS

Introduction to CSS

File Mangagement


  • We will have a Quiz on Thursday. 10 Question short answer.
  • Create and Validate a prototype HTML document that includes examples of all HTML elements covered thus far. For a list of requirements view this page.
  • Create a link to this assignment from your course homepage. Name it “Prototype HTML5 Assignment”
  • When complete publish it to your Github account with the Commit Note “Prototype HTML5 Assignment Submission”.
  • Make sure you have submitted your Github Pages URL here:
  • We will have a Q&A on the assignment on Wednesday and the Quiz.
  • Due 10/5/2021
  • Reading Assignment: CSS Basics

Class Lab: Web Accessibility

Watch – Accessibility for the Modern Web by Derek Featherstone


Explain in your own words what web accessibility means to you & why it is important to build accessible web sites? Do some research on the topic. This is a written assignment (1-2 pages) that should be emailed to and no later than next Monday before class. Have a good weekend.

Amazon Web Services


Be prepared for a quiz next Tuesday covering class discussions and assigned readings. On Thursday, we will have an out of class lab assignment. On Thursday morning I will post instructions. Next week we will begin work on our first HTML Assessment. Be sure to make sure you comfortable with all of the code we have studied thus far.

Introduction to HTML5


Evaluate a web site you frequent based on our discussion of Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior. This is a written assignment that should be emailed to me ( and Ashwath Reddy ( no later than 9-7-21. Make sure you discuss the following elements: Site URL, An assessment of the Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior of the site, Things you like about the site, Things you would change. There is no length requirement for this assignment, but please give an organized and thorough response.

Read (Quiz Material) Introduction to HTML

Additional Reading

Guide to HTML Head Elements

Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior


Evaluate a web site you frequent based on our discussion of Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior. This is a written assignment that should be emailed to me ( and Ashwath Reddy ( no later than 9-7-21. Make sure you discuss the following elements: Site URL, An assessment of the Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior of the site, Things you like about the site, Things you would change. There is no length requirement for this assignment, but please give an organized and thorough response.

Web Related Terminology



Setup and Account at The free account is acceptable for the work we will do in class.

Weekly lab sessions will be held virtually on Fridays at 2:00pm. Here is the information you’ll need to connect:

Or dial: +1 414-439-1525 PIN: 943482546

Additional Reading

300 Million Dollar Button

Course Overview

Course Syllabus

Introduction to the Virtual Classroom

We will be using a broad array of tools to support this course this semester. If you would like to familiarize yourself with these feel free to do so. I will explain and do walkthroughs with the tools when we begin to use them.  You are welcome to go ahead and create your accounts (they are all free) but make sure to keep track of your credentials.
